

Welcome to Pfund in the Sun, my disaster of a blog! I’m documenting my travels across the world here. Enjoy your stay and come back later for further updates on my adventures!

Berlin to Warsaw (9/11/19)

Berlin to Warsaw (9/11/19)

The EURail app I use to plan my trains routes got very confused this morning when II tried to route from the station closest to my hostel to Warsaw Central. Just to be certain that I got to Warsaw without any major issues, I delayed until almost 11:00 before leaving. The trip itself was uneventful to the extreme, I had a 90 minute layover in a tiny station smack dab in the middle of nowhere to start off and then a total of 7 hours actively on trains. I passed the nearly 10 hours by binging the Dark Crystal on Netflix, assorted crap anime, and a Spanish heist show that started out strong and took one hell of a nosedive halfway through. By the time I pulled into Warsaw my butt was chemically bonded to my seat and I had a pounding headache which I assume was from a smidge of dehydration.

So mentally exhausted and totally burned out, I navigated to my AirBnB and was met with a key that seemingly could just NOT open my door. I figured it was jammed or something so I texted the host, who did not respond for several hours, and just put my pack back on and went out in search of a much-needed diner.

A hop, skip, and grump later I stumbled across as pho restaurant downtown and plopped my butt down for some of that brothy goodness. I was of course extremely disheartened when I saw that a single bowl would run me 24 euros, way out of my price range for something that I could probably eat two of, and equally thrilled when I figured out that the price was in Polish zloty which are about 4 to 1 with the euro. For 6 euros I could get behind a bowl of pho! And and size upgrade, some extra noodles, and spicy fried garlic on the side. Big surprise that I was starving and rounded everything in front of me in what was probably a personal record of mine.

Reinvigorated, I returned to my temporary appartment‘s front door , knocked obnoxiously, and got the neighbor to show me how to open the stupid thing. Turns out it just requires a specific number of turns and a little finesse to open! Of course that would have been good to know earlier but whats done is done, and I have a quiet room with a great view from the balcony!

Warsaw: Day 1 (9/12/19)

Warsaw: Day 1 (9/12/19)

Berlin: Day 2 Wall to Wall

Berlin: Day 2 Wall to Wall