Budapest: Day 4 (10/07/19)
Oh I’m such a dumb dumb! Through a series of cascading mistakes I didn’t get Terry’s message about meeting up until this morning. I replied to the wrong person, my email wasn’t syncing, and I generally made a mess of what should have been an easy task. But whatever, we got it sorted and laid down a plan to attend an organ concert at St. Stephen’s Basilica on the Pest side of town.
I took a scenic 30 minute walk over since I hadn’t been out in a couple days and we met up in front of the Basilica. It was great to see a familiar face after two months abroad, and Terry is always a delight. We’re two peas in a pod! Anyways, the concert was quite nice and featured man of the classic organ pieces you might expect like Toccata and Fuge in D minor and whatnot. And afterward Terry treated me to dinner at a very nice restaurant just a block away. We had a great time swapping stories of our travels over phenominal food. I got rose duck and it was hands down the best bird I’ve ever eaten. I tore into it with such fervor that I actually forgot to take a picture lol. Terry is currently in between trips and flies out tomorrow north to continue his travels in the Baltics, while I’m headed southeast to Greece and Turkey, so it was really cool that we happened to be in Budapest at the same time and could hang out!
All caught up, I walked Terry to his hotel, we snagged a selfie to commemorate the occasion, and then we parted ways and I walked back across the river. I could have taken the bus but I wanted to admire the city at night which is lovely by the way.