

Welcome to Pfund in the Sun, my disaster of a blog! I’m documenting my travels across the world here. Enjoy your stay and come back later for further updates on my adventures!

Riga: Day 2 (9/18/19)

Riga: Day 2 (9/18/19)

It was cold, rainy, and miserable outside today so I spent the day relaxing. I even drew a hot bath in the afternoon and spent waaaaay too long soaking to the point where I got overheated. But it was very relaxing and totally worth it. Made minestrone soup for lunch and a spiced-potato stirfry for dinner. I got a little work done and planed out part of my next week in Tallinn and Kiev.

Riga: Day 3 (9/19/19)

Riga: Day 3 (9/19/19)

Riga: Day 1 Walk in the Park

Riga: Day 1 Walk in the Park